AVG - Privacy statement

Strikte geheimhouding

Berloth.net hanteert een strikte geheimhouding, zowel ten aanzien van (persoons-)gegevens die hem in het kader van een opdracht onder ogen komen, als ten aanzien van (werk-)processen van de opdrachtgever. Hiervoor kan, indien gewenst, een non disclosure agreement getekend worden.

GDPR - Privacy statement

Collecting data about people

BERLOTH.NET does not store any personal data about people, except for:

  • Contact details about clients, contractors & business leads

These are stored in databases, computers, telefphones, Google contacts, iCloud, LinkedIn. Contact details about clients are not shared with third parties unless there is an obligation to do so or if sharing is needed for business. For example, the financial administration must be shared with De Belastingdienst sometimes. Or BERLOTH.NET needs to exchange contact details between people involved in a project, or BERLOTH.NET sees a business opportunity for one of its contacts.

Contact details contain names, phone numbers, email adresses, postal adresses, visiting adresses, date of birth, gender, employer, photo. Upon request the details stored about you can be shared with you. However, the law requires to store most of this information, so most information may not be deleted. 

  • Personal data from relations of clients.

These are stored on behalf of our clients in databases on our webserver within the EU or on in databases on servers of our clients. BERLOTH.NET does not use, nor shares the data of its clients to third parties.


BERLOTH.NET does not use third party tracking cookies. Therefore no cookie warning is shown on this website. Websites of clients may use third party tracking cookies, but they will have their own warnings if applicable. 



Elzendreef 141
2272CK Voorburg

tel: +31-6-39757299

KvK : 060740280000
BTW nr: NL001719197B61
Bank: giro 403

Privacy statement